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The Community Calendar is a resource for the Greater Portland Jewish community. The events on this calendar are not necessarily endorsed by the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland.

Community Calendar

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Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashana Services-Chabad Hillsboro

All Welcome - Rosh HaShana Services (Day 1)

Day 1 Rosh Hashanah Services - Neveh Shalom

CST Rosh Hashanah Services

High Holy Days Food Drive: Operation Isaiah - Neveh Shalom

Rosh HaShana Children's Service - Beit Haverim

Rosh Hashanah - Ahavath Achim

Day 1 Rosh Hashanah Youth & Family Services - Neveh Shalom

A Sweet Year for Wee Jews Ages 0 to 5 with Havurah Shalom

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 with Havurah Shalom

CKA 5784 Rosh Hashanah Day 1

CST RH Family Experience

Day 1 Rosh Hashanah Service - P'nai Or

Newish to Jewish Rosh Hashanah Morning Service, Lunch, Tashlich at Gesher

Rosh Hashana Morning Services - Beit Haverim

Rosh Hashanah (Grades 4-7) Upper Elementary Service

Rosh Hashanah Morning Service

Rosh Hashanah Traditional Service

Teen (Grades 8-12) Service

Rosh Hashanah Family Service for Ages 5 and Over with Havurah Shalom

Rosh Hashanah Family Service

Teen Rosh Hashanah Experience - Neveh Shalom

Tashlich - Beit Haverim

CKA 5784 Rosh Hashanah Family Service


Teachings From the Heart with the Neveh Shalom Clergy


Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashana Services-Chabad Hillsboro

All Welcome - Rosh HaShana Second Day

Day 2 Rosh Hashanah Services and Events - Neveh Shalom

High Holy Days Food Drive: Operation Isaiah - Neveh Shalom

Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day - Ahavath Achim

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 at Shaarie Torah

Rosh Hashanah Learning Experience at Neveh Shalom

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 with Havurah Shalom

CKA 5784 Rosh Hashanah Day 2

Cemetery Service - Beit Haverim

Day 2 Rosh Hashanah - P'nai Or

Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day morning service

Shanah: A Whole Family Rosh Hashanah Exploration at Neveh Shalom

Rosh Hashanah Object Theater Puppetry Workshop

Beit Haverim Religious School - 1st Day + Open House

Israeli folk dancing at SWCC

Beit Haverim Temple Library Opening

Community Tashlich with Havurah Shalom

10th Annual Shofar in the Park - Wilshire Park

Clark County Rosh Hashanah Family Service

Shofar in the Park in Lake Oswego's Foothills Park


Yom Kippur

All are Welcome - Yom Kippur at Kesser Israel

Yom Kippur Services – Neveh Shalom

High Holy Days Food Drive: Operation Isaiah - Neveh Shalom

Yom Kippur - Ahavath Achim

Yom Kippur Children's Service-Beit Haverim

Yom Kippur with Shaarie Torah

Yom Kippur Family Services – Neveh Shalom

Yom Kippur Day with Havurah Shalom

CKA 5784 Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur Family Experience with Shaarie Torah

Yom Kippur Family Service

Yom Kippur Morning Service - Beit Haverim

Yom Kippur Teen (8th-12th Grade) Service

Yom Kippur Traditional Service

Yom Kippur Upper Elementary (4th-7th Grades) Service

Yom Kippur-P'nai Or

Yom Kippur Storytelling Experiences at Neveh Shalom

Sermon Talk Back

Yom Kippur Family Afternoon-Shir Tikvah

Yom Kippur Teaching

Afternoon, Yizkor, and Ne’ilah

CKA 5784 Y.K. Family Service

Yom Kippur Family Service with Havurah Shalom

CKA 5784 Mincha

Yom Kippur Yizkor Service-Beit Haverim

CKA 5784 Yizkor

Israeli folk dancing at Leedy Grange