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17 2023

Rosh Hashanah Learning Experience at Neveh Shalom

9:00AM - 1:00PM  

Congregation Neveh Shalom: Conservative 2900 SW Peaceful Lane
Portland, OR


On the second day of Rosh Hashanah, please join us at Neveh Shalom for these special alternative adult learning experiences. These sessions are FREE AND OPEN TO ALL. NO TICKETS REQUIRED


9:00am Rabbi David Kosak - Living with the Heartbreak of Joy This year, our community will be exploring what it means to live, learn, and lead with a whole heart.  In this session, we will look at texts that address how we can live joyously through life’s ups and downs. As Rabbi Alan Lew once noted, “We are conditioned to choose pleasure and to reject pain, but the truth is, any moment of our life fully inhabited, any feeling fully felt, any immersion in the full depth of life, can be the source of deep joy.”


10:00am Mel Berwin -  Entering this Year with Whole Hearts What if whole-heartedness doesn’t mean feeling happy and complete all the time but embracing the bitter with the sweet? Susan Cain asks this question in her book, Bittersweet: “How are you supposed to integrate this bitter with your sweet, how are you supposed to feel whole again?” In our session, we will dive into texts both ancient and modern that help us open our hearts (and remain whole) in this new year.


11:00am Eden Ferede Harrell - Community, Unity, and Diversity As modern Jews, we face a tension between wanting space where we feel connected to others like ourselves, but also where diversity is accepted and celebrated. How do we continue to identify as one people, within our polarized world, where there is so much disconnection across identities, races, and political divides? We’ll look at texts that challenge and inspire us to find commonality and connection across our diverse Jewish and wider communities.