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16 2023

Newish to Jewish Rosh Hashanah Morning Service, Lunch, Tashlich at Gesher

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

Rosh Hashanah Morning Service, Lunch and Tashlich at Gesher

Saturday, September 16th at 10:00 am


Gesher invites you to join Rabbi Laurie Rutenberg and Rabbi Gary Schoenberg at their home for an outdoor, welcoming Jewish prayer experience that offers opportunities for sharing where we are in our soul-life as we enter the Jewish New Year with prayer, song, and Torah.  A festive vegetarian lunch and a walk to Marshall Park for Tashlich follow the service.


This celebration is particularly welcoming to people new-ish to Jewish life or High Holy Days.


RSVP is very helpful to us—  at Please let Rabbi Laurie know if you would like to bring a vegetarian holiday dish to share.  Donations are greatly appreciated but not required.  Gesher is located at 10701 SW 25th Ave, Portland, OR.