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15 2023

EJC Presents: Supporting Both Israelis and the Core Values of Democracy

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Eastside Jewish Commons 2420 Ne Sandy Blvd.
Portland, OR 97232

Contact Eastside Commons

$ Cost $ 3.00

New Hope: Supporting Both Israelis and the Core Values of Democracy

These past months, judicial reform in Israel has been a hot topic in the news. According to the BBC, “Israel is in the grip of one of the most serious domestic crises in its history, with uproar over the government's plans to change the way the judicial system works.” In the midst of Israel’s legal “reform,” how can Americans and other non-Israelis both criticize the Israeli government and support the broader ideas of peace and democracy for the state of Israel?

Often for non-Israeli supporters of Israel it seems we have to choose between two bad options: condemn Israel, and you interrupt the most remarkable attempt of modernity to save Jewish lives; support it and you support the occupation, and other growing breaches of human rights. The protests in Israel, however, reveal new options to support forces of Israeli society that fight the erosion of Israeli democracy.

This talk by Dr. Moshe Rachmuth offers some ideas about creative protests and some background on Israeli organizations that promote peace, democracy, and human rights.

Says Rachmuth: “I’m neither an expert on activism nor on Israel. I am a searcher for ways to keep my own humanist values without falling into paralysis in the face of the turn of events, and I invite you to join me in this search.”

Suggested donation: $3-$8/person sliding scale, no one turned away for lack of funds.

Doors open at 6:30 pm, event starts at 7:00

Sponsor: Eastside Jewish Commons